World Championship for ship models NAVIGA Section “С”
Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic

14. World Championship NAVIGA C 2008

These days it is 15 years since the 14th NAVIGA World Championship was held in Jablonec nad Nisou. NAVIGA C World Championship was taking place from 20th to 28th August 2008. At that time modelers from 18 countries took part in the competition. 292 models were entered in the competition.


A lot has changed since the first championship in 1981. Changes throughout Central and Eastern Europe since 1989 have brought opportunities for travel, access to interesting material, books and maritime museums. The free market has also made it possible to buy parts, materials and, for example, plastic model kits that were previously unavailable in this country. The venues in which the 14th NAVIGA C World Championship was held in 2008 have also been changed. The old Jablonec Exhibition Centre was demolished and a new, modern Eurocentre building was built on its site.



The way of informing about the competition has also changed. In 2008, the first website of the organizer of the competition, the ADMIRAL Ship Modelers Club, was created. On the website it was possible to publish both results and photos from the event. On the other hand, there was no article published in model magazines (in the Czech Republic) to summarize the whole championship, as it was in 1981 and 1993. However, the event did not escape the attention of other media and so we managed to find two videos and newspaper article in the Jablonec Journal. There is also a complete results book and many photos, which we are happy to publish.

Text: Jiří Kreisel
Foto: Archív KLoM ADMIRAL



Results and journal articles


And the promised videos (CZ)


TV chanel RTM Liberec

Internet television NaeX TV


