World Championship for ship models NAVIGA Section “С”
Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic

NAVIGA C World Championship 1993

The World Championships started on Friday 27 August 1993. On this day 116 modellers from Austria, Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, China, Switzerland, Germany, France, Holland, Croatia, Belgium, Poland and the Czech Republic came to Jablonec nad Nisou to compete with 166 models in C1, C2, C3 and C4 classes not only for medals but also for the favour of the public and sponsors who also rewarded the most attractive models. The opening ceremony of the Championship was performed by the Mayor of Jablonec in the large hall of the Jablonec Town Hall. This was followed by the prescribed ceremonies according to the Navigy protocol. After the opening ceremony, all participants were invited to the Jablonec Exhibition Grounds for the opening ceremony and a tour of the exhibition, which opened to the public from 2 pm.

Fig. 1: From left G. Bonev (BG), head of the scoring committee I. R. Sandona (CH), head of the scoring committee II. J.C. Bellanger (F) - chairman of NAVIGA section C, mayor of Jablonec nad Nisou - Jiří Musil, representative of the Czech Modelers Association J.Lejsek (CZ), chief judge H.J. Mottschall (D) and representative of the organizing KLoM ADMIRAL Z. Tomášek (CZ)

On Saturday the morning there was an exhibition of models for the public, for the participants of the Championship was prepared an evening cultural program. At 7.30 p.m. there was a festive organ concert in the Catholic Church. Its soloists, master Aleš Bárta - organ and soloist of the National Theatre master Miroslav Švejda - tenor, presented works by J.S.Bach, A.Dvořák, F.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and L.Janáček. A valuable cultural experience brought comfort to the opening of the Championship.

From Sunday onwards, the judges' committees started to work at full speed. In C1 and C3 classes as head of the commission Mr. Georgi BONEV (BG), judges Mr. Georgi MIROV (BG), Shaojie WANG (CHN), Henri CHEAUCHET (F), Filipo MANFRON (I), secretary Jiří ŠESTÁK (CZ). In classes C2 and C4 as head of the commission Mr. Roger SANDONA (CH), judges Ing.Wolfgang QUINGER (D), Ing. Nentcho MITZULOV (BG), Noel De CUYPER (B), Willem HELBERS (NL), secretary Martin TOMÁŠEK (CZ). Hans-Jürgen MOTTSCHALL (D), Chief Judge, and Mr. Jean-Claud BELLANGER (F), NAVIGA Delegate and current President of NAVIGA Section "C", ensured the smooth running and flawless work of the committees.

Fig. 5: Willem HELBERS (NL), Ing.Nentcho MITZULOV (BG), Roger SANDONA (CH) with glasses and Noel De CUYPER (B) Fig. 6: From left (with glasses) Ing.Wolfgang QUINGER (D), Ing. Nentcho MITZULOV (BG), Noel De CUYPER (B), Willem HELBERS (NL) Fig. 7. He is evaluating a model of one of the Chinese modellers.

Sunday afternoon was reserved for a visit to a state-protected technical monument, a small glass bead factory called "Korálek" from 1905. Its current owner and technical aficionado Liboš Štryncl has concentrated here the technology of production of beads and glass blanks (flower petals etc.) since the earliest one hundred years ago, which was worked by glassmakers in the cottages of the Jizera Mountains. Modelers and especially their wives enjoyed the handmade beads, their stringing and of course they could take their creations home. The tour was very well received and the participants asked for a repeat on Friday.

Monday was a free day for everyone and so the majority of participants took advantage of the offer of the travel agency CKM Liberec for a day trip to Prague, which promised many surprises and a possible balloon flight from Old Town Square. Tired but satisfied, the participants returned to the already rainy Jablonec in the evening. The constant rain and cold weather remained faithful to the Championship until its conclusion. Nevertheless, family members and some competitors went on Tuesday for a day trip to the Bohemian Paradise with a visit to Sobotka with Humprecht, Kost Castle, Hrubý Rohozec Castle and on Wednesday for a day trip to the Jizera Mountains, neighbouring Liberec with a visit to the ZOO and Botanical Garden and a trip by cable car to Jested.

A meeting of the member states of section "C" was also called for Thursday, at 2 pm, led by H.J.Mottschall. On the programme were presented the proposals of the French National Association for the establishment of a new class C5, ship models in transparent packages, which must be structurally larger than the neck or necks of the respective packages (bottles, special flasks, etc.). The draft rules were forwarded to the provincial associations for discussion and comment. During the meeting, a secret ballot was held for the election of a new President of Section "C". Mr. J.C. was re-elected for a term of three years (i.e. until the next Championship). Bellanger.

Medaile 1 (jpg)Thursday evening was reserved for a banquet and social gathering of all participants, who remained in convivial entertainment and discussion, distracted by a group of historical fencing heavyweights and captivating music for dancing and listening, until almost the wee hours of the morning. The work of the commissions was already finished and the tension was at its peak, because the public announcement of the results in each class was scheduled for Friday morning, 3 September 1993, so it was necessary to relax. During the banquet, some of the sponsors came forward and presented their awards to the models selected by their judges.

After Friday's public announcement of the results, the results were announced in the cinema area of the Exhibition Centre in such a way that the judged model was projected from a slide onto a screen and the panel of judges wrote their scores on a light indicator. This was followed by a discussion with Messrs. J.C.Bellanger and H.J.Mottschall.

Saturday was the final day of the Championship. At the closing ceremony in the cinema hall of the Jablonec town hall, an atmosphere was created to match the festive moment. The heads of the committees announced the results of the individual classes, the gold medals were handed over by the mayor of the town Mr. Mgr. Jiří MUSIL, silver medals were presented by Mr. J. C. BELLANGER and bronze medals were presented by the Chairman of the CM KLoM Mr. Jiří LEJSEK. The three most successful models with the highest scores in each class were awarded prizes by the organizers. The main prize for the absolute highest score went to the Chinese modeler Xu RONG, for the smallest C4 class model "Xiang Yang Hong 10" in 1:800 scale, rated 98.67 points. The representative of the Bulgarian delegation also presented him with a gold-plated salad bowl - the NAVIGA traveling prize, which was awarded for the 6th time. C" 1991 World Championship in Varna, Bulgaria, held by the Bulgarian Nedeltscho SCHISCHKOV for the model of the cl. C1 La Royal, 1:100, with 98,00 points.

The Mayor's Award was presented by Mr. Musil, Mayor, Ing. Bohumir CIRHAN from Pilsen for the most successful model of our representation Royal Caroline in cl. C1, built in scale 1:48, for which he received 91,33 points.

The Spectator's prize was awarded to the model that was most admired by the spectators, the service boat Branksome (C2) in 1:8 scale by Swiss modeler Mr. Heinz BIGLER. The boat was simple, but meticulously crafted down to the smallest detail, including a working steam engine.

The organizer's prize was awarded to Martin van GELDEREN from the Netherlands for his 1:100 scale model of Hammonia (C2), 91.33 points. The judges also received a little attention for their work.

The definitive end of the competition was made by the great film "The Conquest of Paradise-1492", which was shown in the cinema "Town Hall" after the closing ceremony. Every day the cinema in the Exhibition Grounds screened a festival of films with maritime themes. Then the models were released, the contestants put them in crates and some left on Saturday, but most of them did not leave until Sunday. With what feelings? The evaluation of the Championships is in the hands of their participants.

From the point of view of the organizer, the evaluation is done badly, because he knows what went wrong, where he had to improvise, what were the problems with the quality of accommodation and catering and what all cost money and effort for which there are fewer and fewer enthusiasts doing everything without any reward. The competitors were also provided with technical facilities, of course there were two photocopiers that were always in permanence, almost 20 thousand copies were made, a telephone that was mainly used by foreign journalists, the office of the director of the Exhibition Centre was available, who was fully helpful to the organizers in everything. The organisers also gained considerable understanding from the second administrator of the Exhibition Centre, the Cultural and Social Centre and its director. The attendance of the Exhibition did not reach the level of 12 years ago at the 1st MS "C "1981, but even the over 6 thousand spectators left satisfied. In terms of the number of participating countries, this Championship has set a new record that will be hard to beat - 15 countries and Turkey has not yet arrived and at the last minute Slovakia also cancelled its participation. From the results it is evident that the models of our representatives were successful, but not as successful as at the previous European Championships. The evaluation of individual competition classes will be the subject of further analyses. During the Championships some of our competitors have confirmed the requirement for high quality of technical documentation for the models.

On behalf of the Championship Organizing Committee Ing. Zdeněk Tomášek, trainer C,F2
Edited article from the magazine Modelář 12/93, photo Admiral archive

Class C1

Gold medal; F. Ragazzi (Real di Spagna 1:50), 95,67; N. Bosco (Scale Reale Veneta 1:30) 94,33; L. Daziari (Kate - Cory 1:48) 92,00; L. Daziari (La Salamandre 1:48) 91,67; N. Bosco (Reale di Francia 1:75), all Italy 91,33; ing. B. Cirhan (Royal Caroline 1:48). Czech Republic 91,33; ing. W. Quinger (Royal Carolina 1:48), Germany 90,00.

Other Czech results: M. Houska (Max Emanuel 1:50) 88,67; M. Houska (De Zeven Provincien 1:77) 88,33; ing. B. Cirhan (La Flore 1:75) 86,33; M, Houska (Royal Caroline 1:48) 82,67; B. Danicek (Flying Fish 1:97) 74,00; B. Daníček (Wasa 1:80) 73,00; E. Šerý (La Toullonaise 1:75) 72,33; R. Filka (Essex 1:75) 71,67; ing. O. Klicnar (De Zeven Provincien 1:100) 70,67; M. Zrůst (Derflinger 1:75) 69,33; M. Zrůst (La Couronne 1:100) 65,67 pts.

Class C2

Gold medal: R. Thielsch (Nordsee 1:100), Germany 98.00: W. Bin (Hang Jun 4002 1:85) 96.67; L. Wei Cheng (Xiang Yang Hong 10 1:100), both China 96.33; P. Sager (Scharnhorst 1:150) 93.33; K. H, Beeker (Anwed Emminghaus 1:22), both Germany 91,67; M. van Gelderen (Hammonia 1:100) Netherlands 91,33; O. Chotko (Dombuch 1:68), Russia 90,33. 

Other Czech results: J. Slížek (Song of Norway 1:100) 83,00; M. Tesar (Intrepid 1:160) 82,00; J. Kopp (Hai 1:25) 80,00; Z. Tollar (Novara 1:100) 79,67; M. Kroupa (Cossack 1:75) 79,33; J. Špinar (H.M.S. Rodney 1:133) 78,67; ing. I. Grňa (Odys 1:40,6) 77,67; V. Libenskiy (Ariadne 1:75) 75,3; Z. Tollar (98 M 1:100) 73,33 p.

Class C3

Gold Medal: O. Giusti (Vittorio Veneto 1:100), Italy 94,33; W. Zikang (Bei Dou Hao 1:60) China 94,33; V. Mirov (Navi di Colombo 1:100), Bulgaria 90,67; F. Guerrieri (La Salamandre 1:48) 90,00; R. Sandona (La Vénus1:51), both Italy 90,00.

Other Czech results: J. Kopecký (La Réale in Bau 1:75) 83,67; L. Jakeš (Bofors 40 mm 1:25) 82,00; J. Špinar (Duilio 1:100) 76,00; ing. Z. Malý (Gipsy Moth IV 1:50) 68,00 p.

Class C4

Gold medal: X. Rong (Xiang Yang Hong 10 1:800) 98,67; X. Yiqiang (Frunze 1:1250) 98,00' L. Jie (Nippon Maru 1:500) 97,67; Y. Li (Fried. Williamon on Hors Back 1:250) 97,00; X. Yu (Missouri 1:1300) 95,33; C. Jiqíng (Mutsu 1:1000) 95,00; G. Xiang (Wisconsin 1:1100), all China 92,33; P. Chaud (Polacre Provengale de Negoce 1:250), France 91,67; C. Costiniuc (Predestination 1:250), Romania 90,00.

Other Czech results: V. Bláha (Tovarišč 1:250) 76,33; ing. V. Janoušek (Okiean 1:500) 67,33; ing. V. Janoušek (Kanzler 1:500) 64,33; ing. V. Janoušek (Krakow 1:500) 59,67 p.


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